Thursday, May 13, 2010

Hip Hip Hooraay!

This is our love song ..

Today is my hubby's 30th BURRRRPPPday !

Happy birthday my darling! my janeeman ! my heart! my soul ! my world ! and my finance minister ..hahahahah.

Hope my darling hubby doesn't have to work too hard on his birthday ( sebab this week dia busy sangat, sampai malam dekat shell house tu..nasib baik ader isteri yang mulia ni ..hiks ) and can take a few minutes to enjoy some of his birthday sweets and celebrate another year of life, blessings, health, love, and joy!

So HAPPY 30th BIRTHDAY SWEETHEART, may you have many, many more.

May you stay happy and healthy and i love you a lot! U are just as sweet or maybe sweeter than you were all those years ago when I first met you.

sorry TMI! Ha Ha Ha Ha ..Tetibe plak kuar photo ni. Tapi malas nak tag kat facebook..kepoci ramai..

And you are XXXX times as handsome!

So, come home soon, because i cant wait to give u the surprise. Yay!



  1. Happy Birthday to him. Hmm...I wonder what's cooking (knowing u pandai masak), dah boleh bau dari sini.

  2. hahaha, doc..hari ni kitchen closed......... !
