Thursday, July 15, 2010

Sabar itu separuh daripada Iman..

Things are going around and round the bush. Am going insane kalau tak sabar. Please get it over with. Toughen up tasha, you can go through this. Its gonna be worth it.. betul. Tu adalah ayat nak gembirakan dan sedapkan hati saya..selain daripada pegi mendermakan ringgit saya di MNG tiap tiap minggu itewww! well, lots of things can make me happy sebenarnye nih.. owh no more drama please! ewwwww!


saya telah mem-busykan diri sendiri setiap petang with my new 'friend'. Dah lama nak beli, tapi baru jumpe weight yang sesuai dengan kemampuan tangan saya yg comel ni dan lepas dapat green light from him jugak. Saya cakap dekat dia, 'bee, do you want me to be more fit and pretty and hotie hotie macam jessica alba tu..?' he immediately replied ' u will be more pretty with scarf hun' Oooh okaay..dah agak mesti dia balas macam tu ' god willing.. soon. yeps..very soon' Nak cakap ape lagi kan. Memang nak pakai pun.. Insyaallah. Moga diberikan petunjuk ke arah itu..

Ramadhan 2008

Okeh, back to my new friend ni.. ni la dia

Mr Dumbbells.. sebab nak cantikkan biceps saya ..

Macam nih..

gambar sebenar tak boleh upload kat sini lagi..heee! nanti nanti la

And tak lupa jugak my daily menu for brekkie dan (juga menu lain yang boleh diseimbangkan dengannya)adalah

saya dah cut-off white coffee..tapi petang saya minum sikit jugak..!

Sampai nak termuak muak saya minum..

Semua sebab nak cantik. Semua sebab nak healthy.. Semua sebab banyak honeymoon.. eh..ape plak ni..?Semua sebab..... sebab suka hati saya lah kan, tekak saya yang nak minum..

Nway, hubby might go for a business trip lagi next week.. probably the last trip for this year kot.. sebab after Eid he will start with his new role in Shell.. Ahaa ( always love the ahaa part terus tukar jadi ni $$$ kan) He deserved the promotion. Seriously. Alhamdulilah. Am so proud of him. Bravo! Okay back to his business trip, kalau tak pegi pun bagus jugak, because i have some other plans.. wee hee! Kalau tak, kena ikut lagi la. This is the 'important week' for me.. Besides, tak rugi pun kalau pegi .. raya dah nak dekat kan.. Heee. Right bee?? *haha so cheesy la the ending ;)



    and good for u (and us women) too
    Btw, am seriously thinking of doing d same biceps triceps ex too, my arms have suddenly (macam x tau plak) become TOO big sejak nak mula pakai cardigan ni.
    Come, lets exercise, I start today!!

  2. Ha Ha, doc..u okay lagi..sbb tinggi.. I dah lah 160cm jer..klu arms terlebey besau dah mcm popeye plak nnt..lolzz
    Nnnway, i dah mula last week..and can see the diff oredi..betul, u shud try too!! heee ;)

  3. sha..u look gorgeous with the tudung...lawa sgt...


  4. hey nad, thanks :D To be frank, hati dah semakin dekat ke arah itu. Insyaallah.

  5. FYI, sampai hari ni belum start2 lagi exercise tgn ni, hangat2 je
