Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Sweet 29 sangat! LOL!!

Sash's 29!!!!

thank you sebab wish kat facebook walls/message/comments.

thank you sebab sms birthday wish.
thank you sebab call.
thank you sebab buat buat tak kisah sambil tunggu i tido and nyanyi nyanyi happy birthday tepat 12 mlm.. * walaupun sumbang skit..lalalala

since its my birthday my blog post is gonna be bahasa rojak campur. hmph! hehe

eve of my birthday (29th May) i celebrated with people who meant a lottt to me especially when they were there to pick me up when i was falling down. (emo moment la kejap kan ehe) ya Allah tanpa mereka tak tau la what to do kan. We had a great dinner at Golden Sands Resort, Bt Ferringi. Thank you dad sebab belanja saya yang sememangnye suka amat makan ini.

My first gift from hubby!! semua ader 2 jer.. ha ha ha. Yang satu lagi..jeng jeng jeng

we are going thereeeee soon!! he asked me to decide when, tapi takde mood lagi nak pilih date sebab tak sihat..uhuuks!
tetap nak control cun kan..tanak muka herot.. abis 'lip-tik' i.. muahahaha

dalam mulut pun tak abis lagi tuu..

the small family ..bile agaknye nak bertambah ek? jgn nak tambah yg lain suda la..lolzz

muka bangga and happy the bombombom!!

descriptions not needed ;)

will my baby look like me? hubby mesti fikir dua kali klu macam ni. muahahaha.