Monday, April 16, 2012

Beef Ragout with grapes. Yummeh!

  • Okay hari ini aku nak ajar semua orang memasak. Cepat salin, cepat. Bukan senang nak dapat entry berbentuk ilmiah dalam belog aku kan. 
Penah makan Beef Ragout? Aku pon tak penah. Ha ha. Tapi senang masak, dan yang penting sedap, bahan pon ala cikai cikai aje ( tak payah korek duit tabung bagai ) dan nah kejap aje terus macam magic terhidang. 

Sambil masak beef ragout nih buleh lagi membakar ayam dan juga sayur capcai. Eh memang terer lah engkau hari ni apesal hah?

Okay ini recipe nye. Terpandang recipe nih masa tengah blogwalking kemarin. Terus kecur air liur tak sabar nak makan dari malam tadi. Okay tell us something new. Ayyseh.


Beef Ragout. 

  • Beef. Dah nama pon beef, jangan pepandai kau pegi letak sardine pulak
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt, plus more for seasoning
  • 1/2 teaspoon black pepper, plus more for seasoning
  • 1 tablespoon paprika, aku letak lebih sikit.
  • Butter 
  • 1 large onion, thinly sliced
  • 1 large celery, thinly sliced
  • Potatoes
  • 1 large clove garlic, minced
  • 1 teaspoon dried oregano
  • 2 tablespoons tomato puree 
  • 1 cup of grapes, kalau nak letak olive pon buleh. 
  • Parsley, chopped (optional)
Lightly coat both sides of the meat with salt and black pepper. Heat 2 tablespoons of butter. Add the meat and cook over high heat, turning once, for 1 to 2 minutes per side, until browned. 
Add some oil to the drippings in the pan along with the onion, garlic celery and potatoes. Cook over medium-high heat, stirring, for 2 minutes, until lightly browned. 
Reduce the heat to low and cook for about 10 minutes, until the vegetables are almost tender. 
Add oregano, tomato puree, and paprika. Return the meat and any accumulated juices to the pan. Cook over low heat for 20 minutes, or until the meat and vegetables are tender. 
Season with additional salt and pepper to taste. And stir in grapes and optional parsley if you desire.

Baked chicken with lemon and herbs, dan tak lupa sayur capcai. Macam cincai aje sebab sayur nih, campak ape saje  tumbuhan yang ade dalam magic fridge, tambah udang dan daging. Makan dengan nasi panas panas. Perrggh! 

Tapi tadi ratah sikit aje, tak makan nasik pon, kejap lagi tunggu the other half balik, baru kita serang semuanya.. ha ha ha

May 2012 cepat lah datang! Eh tetibe kan. Hikhikhik..Verrangan lah ape lagi. Macam engkau tak biasa pulak.

Gambar zaman gonjeng. Ha ha. The other half during uni-days 2003 klu tak silap. Masa nih berbuka puasa dengan Tun di Seri Perdana. Untung laa dia :)


  1. rajin sunggoh masak,,,.tp tetap slim,,bertuah punya badan yg sentiasa slimmm

  2. Heee..Kak Sash... awat pandai masak sangat ni... Simple dan sedaaappppp... Datang blog Kak Sash je perut bergendang...

  3. Angah : Gemoks lah nih, lagi sikit nak dekat 50 kilo dah..eee tak suka!! ;P

    Carmello : Thank u dear! Bulan puasa kerap2 lah jenguk sini yea.. hahahaha
