Friday, August 13, 2010

Keema Kebabs/Bergedil/Beef Cake

combined all ingredients..
Dah siap semua.. letak dalam fridge
Tunggu masa nak makan jew..

the ingredients yawww..

500g mince meat
500g potatoes - roasted, peel and mashed. kalau nak boiled pun boleh jugak..
1 large onion - chopped and fry until brown and left to cool. Some will just put freshly chopped onions. But I prefer browned onion which is sweeter and makes the bergedil taste a lot richer and wangi jer.
a few sprigs of coriander, daun bawang dan daun sup - chopped
1 tsp salt
1 tsp serbuk Knor Secukup Rasa/Maggie ( yg dalam iklan selalu tu..)kalau takde pun takpe.. tapi saya suka letak jugak sebab lagi sedap!
1 eggyolk - for mixture
egg white for frying

the method yawww..

Combined all the ingredients and mix thoroughly..
Leave to rest for 5-10 minutes so all the flavour permeate into each other
Make an egg shape out of the beef then flatten it into a oval disk
Leave the bergedil in the fridge for at least 15 mins or until ready to fry
Heat some oil in the pan enough for shallow fry (do not try to deep fry it will break)

Coat the bergedil in some white egg, fry till golden and serve immediately.

Begedil sedap kalau makan with sweet chili sauce or just ratah gitu je.. Kalau nak jadi macam Netherlanders, u can try them with Mayo. Lagi doublelicious!

So kalau tak sure about the method ke ape nanti..holler me okies !


1 comment:

  1. TQ TQ!!! Wd definitely make them . Hmm...kena cari tulang nak buat sup ni.
